Low Vision Aid

Low Vision Aid

Low Vision Aid

Low-vision devices are designed to improve visual performance in children with low vision, thus enabling academic and social adaptation and providing enrichment of daily experiences.They can be optical or optical and electronic.
Low Vision Techniques

These adaptations, called low vision techniques help with everyday tasks.

  • Increase the lighting in your house: Replace light bulbs with bulbs of higher wattage, and make all nooks and crannies are adequately illuminated to prevent falls and improve visibility.
  • Reduce glare: Adjust light fixtures to minimise Shield your eyes from dazzle by wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat or a dupatta/ stole wrapped around your face shielding your eyes.
  • Use heavy, bold felt tip markers for writing and shopping lists: Use a whiteboard to mark essential dates and calendars.
  • Special low vision devices: Watches, remotes, and thermostats that “talk back” are also readily available, and affordable.
In case of children, special schools and occupational therapists may be contacted to help them learn to be self-reliant. A supportive home and work/school environment help the patient cope better with low vision.
Most important of all is to maintain a positive and cheerful attitude to life. So many diseases that were considered incurable now can be successfully treated. Scientists all over the world are relentlessly working on conditions that cause permanent vision loss and damage, and we can all hope for an early breakthrough.
Low Vision Aids

The most commonly prescribed low vision aids include:

Magnifying Spectacles

Magnifying spectacles are worn like eyeglasses, and help you see better for tasks like reading, threading a needle, stitching etc. These are hands-free magnifiers, allowing you to work with your hands.

Stand Magnifiers

These magnifiers are placed away from your eye, on the object you are trying to read. The handheld versions are also available for reading, and these usually have built-in lights. In case you have a tremor or arthritis, stand magnifiers are best suited for you.


Telescopes may be attached to eyeglasses or be like binoculars, and are used to see objects or signs far away

Video Magnifiers

These electronic devices make printed pages and pictures look bigger. The cheapest available “video magnifiers” are the smartphones and tablets that allow you to increase contrast and font size of texts.